Your Learning Sandbox

learning trails

Business with a conscience! “Net Positive” is a groundbreaking book that revolutionizes the way we view sustainable business practices. It offers an inspiring roadmap for companies to not only minimize their negative impact but also maximize their positive contributions to society and the environment. And federate their employees around a noble goal. This essential read challenges leaders to rethink their organizations’ purpose, ensuring a brighter, more equitable future for all. Embrace the net positive movement and unlock your company’s full potential today.

“Psychological safety is a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes.” – A. Edmondson


The Fearless Organization explains how organizational learning, growth and innovation can expand by creating psychologically safe environments where people can speak up and contribute freely.

Psychological safety is “a shared belief that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.” Amy Edmondson


In this TED Talk, Amy Edmondson sets the context of psychological safety:  establishing a climate of psychological safety allows space for people to speak up and share their ideas, thereby boosting performance, innovation, and creativity, while a lack of psychological safety can lead to apathy or anxiety.

“A strong leader has the humility to listen, the confidence to challenge, and the wisdom to know when to quit arguing and to get on board.” – Kim Scott


Radical Candor® — Caring Personally while Challenging Directly — can move you from a command-and-control culture to one of collaboration. Radical Candor is now a culture touchstone and has been applied to a wide range of human relationships.

Radical candor is a straightforward, deeply human way of managing the people who work for us and supporting them through personal and professional problems. There are two vital components to radical candor: “caring personally” and “challenging directly.”


In this talk, Kim Scott clarifies with a lot of humor and wit what radical candor is: a way of being anchored in a moral compass of integrity and humanity. With the best interests of the “other” person in mind.

“A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and has the courage to develop that potential.” B. Brown


Accepting vulnerability and approaching their work with curiosity, open-mindedness and courage, leaders can create safe spaces for their colleagues to communicate honestly and collaborate more productively.

“In our culture, we associate vulnerability with emotions we want to avoid such as fear, shame, and uncertainty. Yet we too often lose sight of the fact that vulnerability is also the birthplace of joy, belonging, creativity, authenticity, and love.” B. Brown


“Vulnerability is about sharing our feelings and our experiences with people who have earned the right to hear them. Being vulnerable takes courage. But it’s worth it. It’s worth it to be ourselves to connect to others.” B. Brown


In this passionate TED Talk, Brené Brown shares findings from her research on the power of vulnerability in building deep connections with others… and the courage to know ourselves.

“Leadership is not for the select few at the top. In highly effective organizations, there are leaders at every level. When we give our people more authority, we actually create more effective leaders.” – L. D. Marquet


Shifting the traditional US Navy “commander-follower” management structure, L. d. Marquet introduces a “leader-leader” management system and Turns the Ship Around!

Shifting the traditional US Navy “commander-follower” management structure, L. d. Marquet introduces a “leader-leader” management system and Turns the Ship Around! This approach took the Santa Fe from “worst to first,” achieving the highest retention and operational standings in the navy.


Stephen R. Covey said it was the most empowering organization he’d ever seen and wrote about Captain Marquet’s leadership practices in his book, The 8th Habit.

The ‘Four Agreements’ captures four unassuming life perspectives that have the power to re-define one’s interaction with themselves, others and life events.

How does team coaching compare to climbing K2? Trust, collaborative effectiveness, collective responsibility and accountability, and total calibration with their systems....
Numerous studies have shown that representation of diverse groups adds value to organizations, not only enhancing their performance but also significantly improving...
I am resilient
I trust the movement
I negate the chaos
Uplift the negative
I’ll show up at...
Explore how K2C2’s ‘Outside the Box! Inside the Connection!’ approach -initiated a profoundly transformative shift for our client, allowing her to entirely...