K2C2 is a global coaching and advisory consultancy that supports professionals, teams and organizations to create impactful sustainable value

The Vision

beyond performance...
shaping humantastiK environments!

The Vision

beyond performance...
shaping humantastiK environments!

Fast, complex, challenging, and surprising! This is our world as we face the daunting challenges of global warming, natural disasters, pandemics, potable water scarcity, hunger, and poverty, to name but a few.

For that, we must foster the right work environments: human-centric, psychologically safe, inclusive, compassionate, and yet effective. Working environments where employees are humans and not human resources. Where employees feel safe. Where genuine and total inclusion, human connection, and compassion are norm. Where collaboration is the fulfilling path! It is human! It is fantastic! It is humantastiK!

The Philosophy

what we stand for…
our manifesto


We lean into our HUMANITY to foster safe environments where people are humans, first and foremost. Where each individual feels heard, valued, and welcome to speak up and contribute. Where diversity is honored no matter what. We weave human connections with deliberate compassion.


We thoroughly explore and investigate your needs with CURIOSITY, unapologetically and relentlessly challenging assumptions, biases, and barriers to uncover clarity. We deconstruct thought processes, behaviors, and mindsets to imagine and explore all possibilities. We dare to do things differently.


We communicate in total CANDOR, with heart, without judgment. We courageously speak the truth and assume best intent. We maintain subtle tension to drive meaningful, open conversations. We value full transparency over alleged congruence.


We find the best solutions in full CO-CREATION with you. We cultivate a constant, open, and reflective dialogue to devise creative solutions which are collaboratively crafted to best meet your needs. We create WITH and FROM you, not for you.


We observe, explore, examine, and survey. Our interventions are PRAGMATIC, data-driven and simple. We pursue sustainable, long-lasting transformations over immediate outcomes.


We meet you where you are and show AGILITY in our approach to best accompany you through the process. We experiment, implement, observe, assess, reflect, and adjust in a continuous search that serves you best. Alongside you, we embrace change and adapt to new circumstances.


We partner with you. Before. During. And after. No expiration date! From deep exploration and understanding of your business to complimentary check-up points after the engagement. We support You. We build genuine relationships based on trust, integrity, and reliability as a cornerstone of our partnership. We CARE!


We walk our talk! We honor our relationships with INTEGRITY, courage, and vulnerability. We are committed to providing you with lasting results and a frictionless experience. We celebrate our successes and acknowledge and learn from our setbacks.

The Methodology

our roadmap

We develop an iterative and agile roadmap created with you to best meet your needs! Our commitment to YOU is a flawless design and execution, expertly executed with full integrity and authenticity in PARTNERSHIP with YOU. The roadmap is iterative in nature to ensure we continuously address your evolving needs and changing circumstances for long-lasting, firmly embedded results that CREATE SUSTAINABLE VALUE!

The People

our catalysts

behind K2C2? the chief catalyst officer

Inside the Connection! K, Human first

Throughout her rich lived experience, Houda has broken every bias set up for her, creating a life outside of norms, conventions, and beliefs through meaningful connections and not merely transactions.

Outside the Box!

Having pushed every boundary of convention in her life, Houda operates beyond preconceived ideas and navigates the world informed by what truly matters, the human connection!

K, in her black suit

A skilled and successful investment banker by trade, she apprehends the world through a systemic financier’s lens, complementing her technical expertise with common sense, global exposure, and a natural propensity to establish deep rapport with people.

K, the coach

Houda’s passion is people’s hearts. She brings clarity for resolution. With deliberate and heartfelt candor! With creative intuition, courage, and authenticity!

and our catalysts

Our Partnerships

Our Accreditations