Partner with K2C2


What is leadership?

We strongly believe that leadership is developed one single act at a time. A simple and definite act that amplifies your impact on things that matter! And in the process, deliberately shapes up your life, your work, your team, your organization, and our world! 

Leadership is grown from passion and the courage to act.

“Leadership is speaking up, stepping up, and standing up to make a difference in something that matters to you and makes a difference for others.” 

Susan Mazza

At K2C2, we have opted for a holistic, courageous, and inclusive definition of leadership anchored in a set of values and philosophies that invite you to step outside the proverbial box and within the human connection, for sustainable and inclusive solutions. We partner with you to develop a mindset and skill set to become an agile and adaptable individual who can catalyze change for present and future results.

What is leadership?



ShiftUp! is for You if…

You are a professional, a manager, an executive, or an entrepreneur

You have been identified as an “emerging leader” or “high potential”. 

You are a C-Suite executive or a board member

With ShiftUp! we partner with you to harness your full potential.

In an “in flow” process that allows you to tune into underlying patterns which must surface and change, you will:



CompanionInArms! is for You if…

You are an executive, a professional, or an entrepreneur.  

You are a C-Suite executive or a board member.

We become your CompanionInArms!, your sounding board, your trusted advisor and timeless partner who:

CompanionInArms! is a companionship built on trust, camaraderie, challenge, and committed availability. Accountability whenever needed. 


CompanionInArms! aims to provide executives, professionals, and entrepreneurs with a blend of leadership executive coaching, and advisory and consulting services, in an on-demand format. 


We partner with you to be available in a timely manner that best suits your requirements.



While there is undoubtedly a common leadership build that addresses leaders’ awareness and perception of the world, leadership is not one size fits all!


K2C2 partners with you to define the contours of bespoke leadership development, fully customized to best meet your needs, minimize work disruption and maximize experiential learning.


Together, we identify the leadership competencies that best align with your purpose, values, corporate culture, and strategy. We believe those competencies are position-specific for improved effectiveness and flawless execution


It is your LeadUpLab! Your agile, adaptive, and iterative leadership development roadmap developed with you to best meet your needs.

We monitor your leaders’ progress through regular touch-point calls for sustainable behavior and mindset change.